Have you thought your bank was out of money? Do you need money to buy something? Well read this guide!
Chapter 1- Skilling
To get the most and best money on a server (This server also), the best way is skilling.
Skilling is when you don't do combat skills, you get skill up like, crafting, farming, mining, woodcutting, and much much more! To get money off of this, you must do something in the "Skills" area! That is where you will find this. Once you go there, choose one of those. Once you have choosen one of the following things there, train that skill! It will get you money, and fast levels! (I recommened do Crafting first)
Chapter 2- PVP Fighting
To get the second most money, do PVP (Player vs. Player) Fighting!
To do so, go to "PK Box" Or "PK". PK stands for Player Killing. There are many meanings I have heard people use. That is the one I follow. To fight in PK you need to get somebody to fight! To do that, do the command: ::yell (Your messege)
::yell to fight me come to pkbox with your items, armor, and things you don't mind to lose!
And fight that person that comes. If you lose, you lose your items, if you win, you get their items! So make sure you win!!
Chapter 3- Monster Killing (NPCs)
The next best way is to kill NPCs. NPCs are computer generated, respawning, monsters or people. They will respawn for you to kill! These monsters are located all over! The most famous place is, "Train". Train is loaded with monster's for you to train on!
Once you kill the monster, they will drop items! Take the item, and sell it or keep it!!
That is the end of my guide!
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100% Me! I made this whole guide.